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Vendor Info
All Vendors Must share the Event on social media when and if possible at least one time.
Table Cloths are Available for order/purchase Until sept. 12th. For $15 each, 8 colors to pick from.
Doors will open at 8:30 sharp
Early Entry for $10 with be at 9am for customers/traders.
9:30am the doors will open to everybody
NO food is allowed, however the venue will have hot dogs, salads, sandwiches coffee and drinks. I have to sell $600 worth of food but i think we should be good on that. Plus there is a lot of food choices near.
the painting contest will start at 10am and last until 1pm. then we will hand the miniatures back to the artist or the buyer. Winners will be announced right after the raffle.
1:30pm will we start calling the raffle.
4pm we start closing down and be out by 5pm
Please Bring Small Bills for change or come see me if you need some.
Everybody must visit the front desk to check in. I have to pay 60 cents for every person who comes in the build so we may do hand stamps.
Video camera's will be recording, provided he shows up. Bring your signs if you have them. we may stop and talk to you but if you do not want to be on camera just let us know and we will focus on what you brought.
Parking Should not be a problem.
Keep anything in your car covered up and locked up tight.
If your Trading please make it easy for people to tell. also if you make a product don't forget to sell to the other vendors with stores.
Tables for next event will be on sale for $50 each the day of the event. i will visit the locked in people first. then i will be open to everybody else at a first come first serve basis and you will get to pick your tables.
Donations for raffle prizes will be accepted at my shop or at the event. But please let me know. I am scaling back just a bit on the raffle, but i am collecting Blisters for just passing out as well as $200 in painting contest prizes.
Please do not leave your table unattended. Bring a friend.
Have Fun and get something new.
Read everything and post what your bringing.

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